Friday, June 26, 2020

Covid Days a POEM


Covid days, 
We’re on lock down. Wow !
March 15, day
It’s a Pandemic, serious stuff
A deadly Virus
Started in China
Virus came from Bats
They thinks so
Spreads fast, the Corona Virus 
aka Covid19
Get tested
Know the symptoms, high fever, cough, touble breathing, loss of appetite
Get to the hospital

Here we go, on lock down
Supposed to stay inside, it’s called quarantine
Don’t go out
Only when necessary 
Wear a Mask, wash your hands, many times
Over and over, and over again
At least 20 seconds they say, sing Happy Birthday 2 times
Do a good job, I do better, I take 2 minutes
To Wash my hands
Wash your hands, don’t forget

Restaurants, bars, banks, Barber Shops, Beauty Parlor, all Closed
No toilet paper, no toilet paper, no toilet paper
There’s a toilet paper shortage
No TP, it’s almost a Joke
But it’s a big thing. No Toilet Paper
nor is there Sanitizer 
Sirous Shit
No pun intended 

Govenor Cuomo everyday, Press Conference, DeBlassio too
I listen
Everyday, the numbers, people are dying
Hospitals filling up, bed are scarce
People put on Ventilators, Governor Cuomo wants more
People are dying
A lot, 700 a day
In New york State alone
This is scary
It’s tragic, people are dying 
700 a day

The Govenor wants ventilators, more hospital bed, make-shift hospitals
United States Naval Hospital Ship
It sails into New York
People are dying
Doctors and Nurses overworked, front line, it’s dangerous, it’s Covid
People are dying, doctors and nurses too, it’s dangerous, Corona Virus
Started in China, Bats !
Live animal markets, it spread all over the World, Italy hit hard, people are dying
A lot
World is shut down, on lock down, wear a Mask ! Wash your hands

Doctors and nurses 
Overworked, insane hours, they’re stretched to the limit
7 o’clock , every night “Clap because we Care” for health care workers
All of them, Front Line Workers, doctors, nurses, delivery person, grocery stores too
Thank you all so much
Clap Because you Care
7 pm, every night
One day it will end
We Hope

May 25, cop puts his knee on a mans knee, 8 minutes 46 seconds
“I can’t Breath. I can’t Breath” cops knee a mans neck
8 minutes and 46 second he can’t breath
“Momma ! Momma !” he cries, cops knee on a man’s neck, George Floyd
He can’t breath, he dies, 8 minutes and 45 seconds, George Floyd could breath, he dies
Murdered by a cop in Minneapolis, police officer Derek Chauvin
Hey Derek, the man couldn’t breath, he was hand-cuffed and on the ground. Why?
Why’d you have to do it? Why?

Here comes Al Sharpton
Civil unrest, protests, Black Lives Matter
Civil unrest, protest, riots, looting
It’s not good. I don’t like it. Why’d do it Derek? You killed George Floyd
Black Lives Matter, all lives matter

There’s Civil Unrest, all over America, even the World
Large groups of people protest, there’s a Pandemic going on. “Hello” ?
No social distancing, at protests, not good, gonna spread the virus
People are dying

DeBlassio, Cuomo, Doctor Fauci, everyday, they talk

Zoom is Booming, so are sales, Face Mask, Hand Sanitizer, Puzzles, model kits
Old School Stuff
Kids don’t know about these things

School? There is none, social distancing, schools are shut down, learn at home, ZOOM !
People un-employed, out of work. How Many? 36 Million
Stimulus Checks come
$1,200, signed by Trump, Mitch doesn’t like it. He’s a No Good Bastard ! Who?
Mitch McConnell
There’s a Recession. Or is it a Depression?
Never seen nothing like this
A Pandemic, Covid19, Trump calls it Chinese Flu
It sarted in China
Bats !
The Whole World is Shut Down
People are suffering
They’re dying
a lot
thousand that is

When is it going to end?
This Shit is serious
People dying, 125,000 in America alone
People dying, Covid19, China. Why?
The whole World has been shut down, paralyzed , we are

George Floyd died, 
but not from Covid19

When is going to end?



June 26, 2020

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